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What are the care practices to be taken while in orthodontic treatment?

Best care while in orthodontic treatment

Best care while in orthodontic treatment

Our best orthodontist near Cunningham Road recommends that you:

  • Brush three times a day – You should brush after each mealtime, for three minutes per session. If you have braces, be sure to angle your toothbrush around each bracket and under the wire.

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  • Floss at least once a day – With or without orthodontic treatment, flossing is essential to maintaining good oral health. You should floss at least once each day.
  • Rinse twice a day – Mouthwashes help kill the germs that cause plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. Rinse once when you wake up and once after your last meal of the day.
  • Use gum or breath mints that contain xylitol – You can use any sort of xylitol gum or breath mints if xylitol is the first ingredient listed on the label.
  • Say no to hard or sticky foods like gummy candy, hard candy, ice cubes, lollipops, and popcorn kernels that can get stuck or break your braces.
  • Do not drink sugary or acidic drinks – These drinks, when mixed with saliva, create plaque–a sticky film that coats your teeth and is difficult to remove, even with consistent brushing. Water is always best.


Best braces dentist near Cunningham Road

  • Cut your food into smaller pieces that will not damage your braces.
  • Eat soft, orthodontic-friendly foods – Lots of soft foods are perfectly safe to eat with braces, including yogurt, pudding, cheese, bananas, pasta, mashed potatoes, peanut butter, and more.

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To know more about the best care while in orthodontic treatment, visit us.

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