It is no secret that a good oral hygiene routine, including regular visits to your local dentist for a routine examination and dental cleaning in Bangalore, is crucial to superior oral health. In recent years, oral health has been linked to a person’s overall health, making good oral health more important than ever before. When untreated, developing tooth decay and gum disease can lead to a wide array of health problems. If it has been a while since you have been to a dentist or it is time for your routine checkup in the Bangalore, Dr. Gaurav Ghosh and the friendly team at Quintessence Family Dentistry would love to welcome you to their office. Even with regular checkups and cleanings, there is more you could be doing for your oral health between visits. Here are some tips you can follow for your at-home care.
Regular, But Not Aggressive, Brushing
Cosmetic dentist in Bangalore
We all know that brushing our teeth is the most important thing we should be doing on a daily basis. Brushing twice to three times daily to remove plaque and bacteria is critical to maintaining good oral health. However, if you are not using the correct technique, you may not be getting the full benefit. First, brushing harder does not equal better. In fact, this can lead to damage of your tooth enamel and gums over time. It is recommended that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush for daily brushing so you can avoid dental complications including tooth sensitivity, damage to your tooth enamel, and gum erosion.
Teeth Whitening in Bangalore
Avoid Tobacco
No matter how good your oral hygiene routine is, you are putting yourself at an immense health risk if you use tobacco. Tobacco harms the body’s immune system and makes it difficult for tissues, including in the mouth, to heal. Tobacco use also increases your risk for gum disease, oral cancers, and more. Tobacco can also stain the teeth, leading to a less attractive, yellow discoloration.
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Drink More Water
Dental Clinic near me in Bangalore
Sugary drinks and those containing ingredients such as citric acid are dangerous to your teeth when regularly consumed. Enjoying a sugary soda or an energy drink is completely fine in moderation. We all need those small pleasures here and there, but you will be doing yourself a massive favour if you consume more water throughout the day.
Tooth Coloured Fillings in Bangalore
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gaurav Ghosh at Quintessence Family Dentistry, please call 09886878921 today