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Best Dentist Near Cunningham Road

Best Dentist Near Cunningham Road

Find out how you can maintain optimum oral health.

Best Dentist Near Cunningham Road

Looking after your dental and general health has never been as important as now. The mouth is an important part of the body, and what happens in the mouth influences your overall health.

Here are some tips to help you take care of your oral health.

  1. Take extra time to brush your teeth, no need to brush hard but be thorough paying careful attention to your gum lines to reduce the number of bacteria build-up that can cause gum inflammation.
  2. Floss is key! Flossing also helps reduce gum inflammation. You should floss at least once a day.
  3. Eating well and brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste are important steps to maintaining healthy teeth.
  4. Limit the amount of sugar you have as it contributes to inflammation. Sugar and constant snacking change the chemistry of the mouth and create the potential for decay to start, and teeth to become sensitive.
  5. Limit your intake of acidic drinks as they have the potential to dissolve tooth enamel and create tooth sensitivity.
  6. Avoid hard and super sticky foods that could crack a tooth or pull a filling out, like popcorn and toffee.
  7. Make sure you get regular exercise and try to find time to relax to reduce stress which can contribute to clenching teeth, with resultant muscle pain, and the risk of broken teeth.

If you are looking for the best dentist near Cunningham Road then feel free to visit us today.


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