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Invisalign Teen Clear Aligners Treatment in Vasanth Nagar

Smile Confidently with Invisalign Teen from Quintessence Dental Clinic & Orthodontics

Let Invisalign Teen help perfect your smile using clear aligners, so your teenage memories can be captured with confidence. Bangalore Invisalign Teen clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible, which means you can straighten your teeth without anyone noticing. You can still eat and drink what you want. Also, you can brush and floss normally to maintain healthy gums and teeth, and there are no wires, metal, or brackets to cause mouth abrasions.

How the Invisalign Teen Treatment Works

The Invisalign Teen treatment process in Vasanth Nagar will begin with an initial consultation with a specialist to review the patient’s dental history and complete an oral exam. They’ll use X-rays and scanning technology to create a custom teeth-aligning plan, one that is unique to the patient’s needs. Part of this consultation process involves the specialist explaining and demonstrating how the teeth will move from where they are now to the intended alignment. This is also when the patient will find out how many sets of aligner trays are needed—and for how long they’ll have to be worn.

Clear Aligners Treatment

Once the patient has settled on an Invisalign Teen treatment plan as recommended during their consultation, the specialist will order the plastic aligner trays. Outside of meal times, the Invisalign trays are meant to be worn 24/7. It’s important that the patient brushes and rinses both their mouth and aligners after every meal, as well as after drinking any beverage that isn’t water.

How Long Will the Invisalign Teen Treatment Plan Last?

The duration of the Invisalign Teen treatment plan varies from patient to patient. It depends on the complexity of the case, though most patients begin to notice positive results within weeks. The expected timetable of the treatment will be discussed at the initial consultation, but how disciplined the patient is with wearing the aligner trays can impact the treatment time. If the trays are only worn sporadically, it can cause the treatment to last longer—and it can even disrupt results.

Cost of Invisalign Treatment in Vasanth Nagar

Once the treatment plan is finished, the patient will have a choice of wearing the final set of aligner trays as retainers or purchasing a new retainer that will keep the teeth in place and ensure the results of the treatment last.

Want to know if you’re a candidate for braces or Invisalign? Book an appointment today.

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