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Clear Aligners Treatment near Sadashivnagar Bangalore

Millions of people have used Invisalign Braces near Sadashivnagar  Bangalore to correct minor orthodontic issues and get the confident smile they’ve always wanted. With a series of clear plastic aligners, pressure is applied to your teeth and they are gradually moved into proper alignment, creating a straight, even smile that you can be proud of. Want to know if Invisalign will work for you? Take the first step and schedule a call with our Best Orthodontist near Sadashivnagar  Bangalore.

Clear Aligners Treatment


Clear Aligners are a versatile method of smile correction, and it can be used to treat most minor-to-moderate orthodontic issues. A few of the problems that are commonly treated with invisible braces include:

– Gaps between your teeth

– Crooked and crowded teeth

– Tooth overjet (horizontal overlap between upper, lower teeth)

– Some bite issues include underbites, overbites, crossbites, and open bites

Clear Aligners Treatment near Sadashivnagar Bangalore

To find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment based on your Orthodontic Dental Invisble Braces Treatment near Sadashivnagar Bangalore, needs, it’s best to contact Quintessence Family Dentistry for Cosmetic Dentistry near Sadashivnagar  Bangalore consultation with Dr. Krithika M Jayaram and Dr. Gaurav Ghosh. Our team can examine your mouth, and thus, determine if orthodontic treatment with Invisalign or dental Braces is right for you. 


Yes, it is possible to get Invisalign for just your top or bottom teeth. If your upper teeth are straight, for example, you can just get Invisalign on your bottom teeth. However, this is usually not recommended for a few reasons.

It’s unlikely that you only need one of your rows of teeth to be straightened. Even if your upper or lower teeth look straight and you don’t think they need Invisalign, they will likely need to be moved to adjust your bite once your opposing arch of teeth has been straightened. It usually does not make much sense to only correct one arch of teeth.

In addition, you won’t get a big discount on Cost of Invisalign treatment near Sadashivnagar Bangalore, if you only treat one arch of your teeth. You may think that Invisalign would cost 50% less if you’re only treating half of your mouth, but this is not the case. Building aligners for either your upper or lower arch of teeth usually takes just as much time as it would for both arches of teeth, so you’d pay a similar rate.

In some very rare cases, Dr. Krithika M Jayaram may recommend that you have Invisalign on just your upper or bottom teeth, but this is extremely uncommon. It’s usually a good idea to simply treat both your upper arch and lower arch of teeth at the same time.

Damon Braces treatment near Sadashivnagar Bangalore

Call 09886878921 today for an appointment with our Invisalign Dental clinic near Sadashivnagar Bangalore

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