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Common Dental Procedures: Frequently Asked Questions: PART 2

  1. Are dental x-rays safe?

Dental x-rays are diagnostic imaging tools used to identify problems such as cavities, bone loss, root infection, and impacted teeth (wisdom teeth stuck below the gums). The amount of radiation emitted from dental x-rays is extremely low making them safe to use. However, dental x-rays are not recommended for pregnant women.

  1. Does dental cleaning result in the loosening of teeth?

Dental cleaning or dental scaling, is a non-invasive procedure done to remove accumulated plaque and calculus, using an ultrasonic machine, which involves the use of blunt tips and water for irrigation. Scaling does not remove enamel or cause teeth to loosen. Loose teeth could indicate periodontitis, a chronic gum disease that damages the gum and bone supporting the tooth.

  1. Do braces hurt?

Orthodontic treatment involving dental braces helps straighten crooked, maligned teeth. It uses metal or ceramic brackets, on the top surface of teeth, followed by the placement of a wire that is adjusted every few weeks or months. It is a painless procedure and does not require any anaesthesia unless the patient requires tooth extraction.

  1. How often should we consult a dentist?

One should consult a dentist every 6 months to help spot dental problems early and prevent them from getting worse. Regular visits to the dentist can also save you from invasive and more expensive treatments later.


We must visit a dentist frequently to avoid such complications and ensure sound oral health.

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