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Damon Braces in Bangalore

The Damon® Braces are passive self-ligating braces using a slide mechanism to hold the wire allowing teeth to move freely; this means they are a low friction and low force method of moving the teeth to correct the alignment. These braces allow the archwire to move freely and that means less force, faster treatment, fewer adjustment visits and far less discomfort and pain.

Damon brackets are beneficial for patients of all ages. Adult patients benefit from them because of the lower forces and can now enjoy faster treatment than ever before. Damon braces are generally smaller than traditional metal braces and without the elastic ties, which attract and collect plaque, they are easier to keep clean.

Self ligating braces treatment in Bangalore

Damon Braces

When using the Damon System there is less chance of needing extractions because of the way these braces work to correct the teeth. However, the Damon System is not a ‘non-extraction approach’ as some people seem to believe. There are certain complex orthodontic problems that still require extractions as part of the orthodontic treatment. 

Damon Braces can improve your health

A nice smile is not only beautiful, it also promotes good health:

  • Straight and evenly spaced teeth are easier to keep clean, resulting in better oral health.
  • Properly aligned teeth chew more efficiently, which may help digestion.
  • Aligned teeth create a better bite, which may reduce stress, headaches, and strain on your supporting bone and tissue.
  • Crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain. This may contribute to conditions that cause not only tooth decay but may lead to gum disease and tooth loss.

Orthodontic treatment in Bangalore

But Damon Braces give you more than straight teeth. They also ensure your arch is the proper shape.

If you have a narrow arch this means the space in your mouth where your tongue is, will be smaller than someone with wider arches.

A narrow arch can lead a range of problems. One big one is the roof if your mouth is pushed up higher into the nasal cavity. This makes breathing more difficult and can cause snoring at night time. It can also cause mouth breathing at night which leads to poor dental health. Because when you are breathing with your mouth open for hours the saliva from your mouth and lets bacteria grow. This bacteria then creates plague, destroys teeth.

Dental Braces treatment in Bangalore

Narrow arches also don’t look good.  When you smile, it causes you to have larger dark spaces in the corners of your mouth. These spaces are called the buccal corridor and smaller buccal corridors result in a younger more attractive smile.

So Damon Braces can make your smile look better, make you look younger, and improve your breathing and your overall health.

Dr. Krithika Jayaram has more than 15 years of experience with the Damon Braces and has treated more than 1000 patients using this high-tech system. To know more contact us today.

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