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Most Asked Dental Questions: Part 2

  1. Why does my mouth feel dry?

Dry mouth can be a symptom of many different problems and can happen as you get older. Quite often it is a side effect of medication – especially heart, blood pressure, and depression tablets.

Dental questions

Dental questions that are most asked

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If you have a dry mouth, this can be very uncomfortable and it can make eating certain foods very difficult.

Many prescription medicines can cause a dry mouth, if you are taking any regular medication from your doctor, it may be worth discussing these symptoms with him to see if there is an alternative that does not have the same side effects.

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If you think that you are suffering from a dry mouth, you should discuss this with our dental team. It may just be that you are dehydrated but it may be telling of a bigger problem. We may recommend one of the many products that are available, to help to alleviate this problem or turn you to your family doctor if there is a greater health issue.

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  1. I Have Sensitive Teeth. How Do I Fix This?

You can try using toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Our dental team shall recommend a suitable toothpaste to you.

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