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Root canals often have a bad connotation, which is why many people fear them. Root canal therapy, however, is a practical, pain-free means of repairing severely decayed or damaged teeth to restore their usefulness. Dr. Gaurav Ghosh from Quintessence Family Dentistry in Bangalore may recommend a root canal if the pulp of your tooth, containing the tooth nerve and blood vessels, has suffered damage due to decay or oral infection. Removing the pulp and disinfecting the interior of your tooth can keep the infection from spreading. A root canal can stop tooth infection in its tracks to protect the rest of your teeth.


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How Root Canals Work

If left unchecked, oral infections can spread to the pulp of your tooth, causing damage to the nerve, blood vessels, and surrounding tissue. 

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Root canal therapy involves drilling a hole into the infected tooth, removing the infected nerve, connective tissue, and blood vessels, and cleansing the tooth and its canals of remaining infection. 

Once the tooth is cleansed, it is filled and sealed to protect it from further infection. Finally, your dentist will cover the tooth with a dental crown to strengthen its structure and restore its usefulness. With proper care, a tooth with root canal therapy can provide you with a lifetime of quality use.

Root Canal Specialist in Bangalore

Key Facts You Should Know About Root Canals

As root canals are often a misunderstood treatment, these facts can give you a better understanding of this therapy and how it can benefit you:

  • Root Canals Are Not Painful – Contrary to popular opinion, root canals are not painful. Dr. Gaurav Ghosh performs this treatment under anaesthesia, so you feel no pain or discomfort throughout the procedure.

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  • Root Canals Can Save Natural Teeth – In many cases, the alternative to having a root canal is tooth extraction due to irreparable damage to the pulp of your tooth. Root canal therapy can save your tooth from extraction, sparing you the time and expense of replacing it in the future.
  • Root Canals Can Restore a Tooth’s Usefulness – With proper care, a tooth that has had root canal therapy can function as usual for years. A root canal can restore your tooth’s looks, function, and usefulness.

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Call Us Today!

While it will help to be prepared if you ever find yourself in an emergency dental situation, finding an emergency dentist near you in Bangalore is one of the first steps you should take.

To reach Dr. Gaurav Ghosh and the team at Quintessence Family Dentistry, please call 09886878921.

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