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Why Flossing Is Important?

Why Flossing Is Important?

There are different types of floss such as super floss, water flosser, air flosser, etc.

Flossing once daily with the help of waxed floss is recommended by the best dentist in Kammanahalli preferably before going to bed.


Benefits of flossing:

  1. Reduces the risk of cavities
    2. Get rid of plaque
    3. Prevents gum diseases
    4. Reduces bad breath
    5. Reduces the chances of heart diseases

Why must flossing be included in your daily schedule?

  • It is necessary to remove plaque from all the surfaces of the teeth because most oral bacteria are colonizers. So, any surface left without cleaning can lead to the formation of biofilm and plaque. When it comes into contact with gums, it leads to gum diseases such as gingivitis.
  • It is proven that flossing regularly helps in reducing conditions related to gums like gingivitis within six months.
  • If untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. During aggravated periodontitis, the bacterial infection can enter the main bloodstream to reach other organs such as the heart, and can cause a condition called endocarditis. Also, periodontitis is related to other conditions such as diabetes which affects the entire body.
  • It is proven that flossing regularly helps in reducing plaque, which has a direct effect on interdental cavities.
  • A routine visit to the best dental clinic in Kammanahalli can help in guiding you through flossing techniques which helps in maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding other oral conditions.

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