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Most Asked Dental Questions: Part 1

Frequent dental questions

  1. How often should I get a Dental Clean?

We like to say “Prevention is better than a cure” and professional cleaning is a preventative measure for many oral health problems.

Frequent dental questions

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Dentists recommend a routine dental check-up every 6 months. We recommend a professional clean every 6 months for most people, but others with a high risk of gum disease or tooth decay may need to visit the dentist every 3 months.

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  1. Are dental checkups important?

We are more than happy to assess your oral health because your smile is our passion. This will allow us to determine whether your mouth is healthy or if there are any issues we can address in later visits. Hence, checkups are important as they can help see if you are healthy!

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  1. Why Do I Need Dental X-Rays?

Your dentist should take a full set of dental X-rays early into the doctor-patient relationship. X-rays help your doctor monitor any changes that could be happening in your teeth between appointments.

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  1. Should you rinse your mouth after brushing?

No rinsing is required! Spitting out and not rinsing leaves a protective layer of fluoride on your teeth. The same principle applies to mouthwash.

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To read the 2nd part click here.

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