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How to Enhance your Smile & Oral Health with Cosmetic Dentistry?

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Smile?

Cosmetic dentistry can be instrumental in improving or restoring your overall oral health.
For instance, dental crowns and dental bonding protect your broken, decayed, or a cracked
tooth that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth.
Dental Implants
In a dental implant screw-like post is inserted in the jawbone to replace the missing tooth.
An implant-supported restoration or denture feels like a natural tooth that allows the
wearer to eat comfortably, without worrying about losing the artificial tooth.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a convenient way of enhancing one’s smile. Teeth whitening compounds
used by dentists remove discoloration and stains from the tooth enamel and give your teeth
a nice clean look.
There are mainly two procedures that dentists recommend – in-office whitening and a take
home system.
Invisible Orthodontics
Misaligned teeth are difficult to clean. As a result, germs build up over time and lead to
swollen gums and tooth decays. To rule out these dental issues tooth alignment is
necessary. Invisalign are literally invisible aligners that are custom-built for fixing crowded
teeth or minor spacing issues. They are transparent removable braces that fit tightly over
teeth and work over a period of time to bring the teeth to the correct position.
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are a great way to improve your smile especially if you have damaged
crooked and stained teeth. These are white shells of composite or ceramic that cover the
affected part of the teeth and look like natural teeth.

Visit us today for the best Cosmetic dentistry in Kalyan Nagar.

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