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If you have a gap in your smile, it might make you self-conscious.

The best dental clinic in Bangalore is now offering multiple treatments for closing the gaps.

Gaps between teeth can be restricted to one gap tooth or more. The most common gap in teeth is found between the upper two front teeth. This condition is called midline diastema.

Common causes for the same:

  • A mismatch between tooth size and jaw size.
  • If your teeth are malformed or undersized.
  • A thick and fleshy labial frenum (the small strip of tissue that connects the inner side of your upper lip to your gums) can create a gap between your upper two teeth.
  • Habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting push your teeth forwards, leading to gaps between them.
  • Children with improper swallowing reflexes are seen to have gaps in their teeth. This happens because they tend to push their tongue against the front teeth while swallowing instead of pushing it against the roof of the mouth. This pressure on teeth while swallowing results in pushing those forward, creating a gap.
  • Poor gum health can cause your teeth to become loose and move, creating gaps.

Teeth gap filling treatment

Having gaps in teeth can be the starting point of poor oral hygiene, tooth cavities, poor gum health, and even loss of teeth!

The best orthodontist in Bangalore will tell you how you can get rid of this gaping permanently.


For more information on your Invisalign Aligners treatment near Cunningham Road, call us on 09886878921 to make an appointment with your Invisalign Orthodontist near Cunningham Road.

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