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Teeth Straightening Near Mount Carmel College in Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore

Teeth Straightening in Vasanth Nagar

Teeth Straightening in Vasanth Nagar

Can I Straighten My Teeth at Any Age?

YES! People can benefit from orthodontic treatment at ANY age!
Here is a list of problems that can be avoided with adult orthodontic treatment:

  • Teeth Cavities
  • Gum Problems
  • Teeth Wear

Teeth Cavities:

Crowding or crooked teeth allow the food to be trapped more easily. Plaque accumulates much easier in the crowded teeth.

In addition, brushing and flossing are more difficult and tedious when crowding is present.

These will all lead to developing cavities.

Gum Problems:

When teeth are crowded or crooked it is much harder to keep them clean. Brushing and flossing is much more difficult than when teeth are straight.

In addition, when teeth are not straight they may be positioned forward. The forward position makes the supporting gum very thin.

Then gums recede easily as it is not very strong. When gum height is lost it will never grows back.

All of the above makes teeth prone to gum problems since gum and bone surrounding the teeth are the foundation to keep teeth healthy.

Teeth Wear:

When teeth are not positioned correctly, they contact each other where they shouldn’t. Through daily functions, they rub against each other and cause too much wear.

As teeth do not grow back, teeth wear will be permanent.

All of the above can be avoided by orthodontic treatment at any age. Different treatment modalities are available to fix crooked teeth.

 Crooked Teeth Alignment Treatment Near Mount Carmel College in Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore

 Braces can fix minor and major alignment imperfections in your smile, and our team has multiple packages for you to choose from! At Quintessence Dental Clinic, we stand behind our work. When you do your orthodontics with us, you will see amazing results.

Straighten your smile without the hassle of braces. Invisalign technology has been transforming orthodontic treatments with minimally invasive options for 20 years.  These clear aligners are the innovation behind more than 11 million beautiful smiles.

Looking to brighten your smile? Quintessence Dental Clinic offers numerous whitening options for you depending on your needs. Call our office today to discuss a whitening treatment that is designed to meet your cosmetic goals and leave you feeling confident with a glowing smile!

 Teeth Whitening Near Mount Carmel College in Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore

 Gum lift and contouring treatments are minor surgical procedures that alter the shape of the gums that surround the teeth. Changing the appearance of your gum line can positively impact the appearance of your smile. Contact our office today to learn more.

Want a bright and beautiful smile but have chipped, stained, or discolored teeth? Don’t give up hope! Cosmetic dental bonding can help you achieve positive and noticeable results for your teeth. Contact the Quintessence Dental Clinic office today to know about the Cost of Braces Treatment Near Mount Carmel College in Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore

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