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What to do if a Bracket or Wire Breaks?

What to do if a Bracket or Wire Breaks

What to do if a Bracket or Wire Breaks

Floating Bracket:

A floating bracket rarely causes as much pain or damage as other breakages, but it can rub on the inside of your mouth. Before visiting your Orthodontist for the repair, cover the bracket surface with some dental wax.

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Broken Wire:

If your archwire breaks, the sharp end can poke into your cheek or gum, causing it to bleed and increasing the chance of infection. See your Orthodontist at the earliest to have this corrected.

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Protruding Wire:

As teeth move, there is a slight chance that the wire will come out of the last bracket. If the wire is poking into the check or gum, see your Orthodontist at the earliest to have this corrected.

Bent Wire:

Eating foods that are too hard for braces can cause the wire to bend. When your braces wire bends, the loose bands can’t pull teeth into position. If you notice any changes with the wire being loose, bent, or broken, make an appointment with your orthodontist straight away.

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Why Orthodontic Breakages Occur:

The most common reason braces break is eating hard, crunchy, or sticky food. Another cause of damage to braces is a knock to the mouth while playing sports. Always wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports.

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So now you know what to do if a bracket or wire breaks? But if you still have confusion then feel free to visit us. We are happy to help you.

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