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When to remove wisdom teeth?

When to remove wisdom teeth is a common search on the internet. So here is the answer.

Everyone is different, of course, but it is quite possible your dentist may recommend you have your wisdom teeth removed even if they aren’t causing you pain or problems yet. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, and your mouth is already crowded with teeth. This can cause the teeth to grow at an odd angle (known as an “impacted” wisdom tooth), which can affect your other teeth. Wisdom teeth can also overcrowd your mouth, making it difficult to keep your teeth clean and eventually causing problems with your jaw and your bite.

When to remove wisdom teeth?

What Is The Procedure To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Your dentist may perform the procedure, or you may be referred to an oral surgeon. You may have the choice of general anesthesia (so that you can be completely unconscious) or local anesthesia (so that you can be awake through the procedure but not feel any pain). If your tooth is still underneath the gums, a small incision will be made for its removal. It may need to be cut into smaller pieces to remove it. The procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.

When to remove wisdom teeth?

If you were given self-dissolving stitches, they will dissolve in a little more than a week. For the first couple of days after the procedure you should avoid strenuous exercise, alcohol, smoking, and drinking hot liquids (your dentist or oral surgeon will have specific instructions for you to follow).

Looking for the best dental clinic in Bangalore to remove wisdom teeth? Don’t worry you are in the right place. Make an appointment today with the best dentist in Bangalore.

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