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Teeth Whitening In Sadashivanagar

Teeth Whitening In Sadashivanagar

Searching for the cheapest and best dental clinic in Bangalore for teeth whitening procedures? Quintessence- your Best Dental Clinic near Sadashivanagar offers a world-class highly advanced teeth whitening system at an affordable cost in Bangalore, for a gentle teeth whitening experience.

Teeth Whitening In Sadashivanagar

Teeth whitening transforms your discolored teeth into bright radiant teeth makes you smile confidently and improves your overall appearance. Teeth discoloration is caused due to many reasons like smoking, drinking coffee, and tea, aging, maintaining bad oral hygiene, etc.,.

Professional whitening is a fast, effective, and safe way to whiten your teeth. Your dental professional will either apply the treatment for you or fit you with a customized tray so you can do the treatment at home.

Results from professional treatments can be immediate (up to 3 shades whiter in 1 hour), and because a dental professional is involved, the process is safe, reliable, and hassle-free.

You also have the option of taking home a home whitening kit, for everyday use. This can help to maintain the whitening achieved, for a longer period, without visiting the dental clinic. The home whitening kit needs to be used along with customized bleaching trays, which your dentist will fabricate for you.

Is Teeth Whitening Permanent?

The teeth whitening process is not permanent. Teeth can be re-stained, especially by cigarettes, beverages such as coffee or tea, or some foods. The effectiveness of the whitening lasts for as few as six months or as long as one year as long as you take good care.

Visit us today or book an appointment with us today.

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