How soda affects your teeth? One of the world’s biggest vices is soda, and it is consumed by many people daily. Sugary drinks such as soda and energy drinks are largely associated with a variety of health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. But how does soda affect oral health? For […]
No celebration is complete without gorging on some yummy sweets. But, do you know that indulging too much in sweets without proper oral care may cause cavities, and tooth sensitivity issues. Best dental clinic in Bangalore Tips to keep your teeth healthy as you enjoy the festive sweets Tip #1: Brush & floss your teeth […]
Does a Crossbite Require Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment? Sometimes, a severe posterior crossbite does require interceptive orthodontic treatment, also called phase 1 orthodontic treatment. Dr. Krithika M Jayaram- your best orthodontist in Bangalore has consistently achieved excellent results with one phase of orthodontic treatment. However, there are cases where, during phase 1 treatment, Dr. Krithika M Jayaram- your […]
What is a Rapid Palatal Expander? A rapid palatal expander (RPE) is a common orthodontic appliance used in phase 1 orthodontic treatment or comprehensive treatment with expansion. The maxilla (the bone of the upper jaw) is made up of two pieces that do not fuse together until the mid-teenage years. A palatal expander uses gentle pressure to separate the […]
Best Dentist in Bangalore Have you considered getting orthodontic treatment but felt you were too old? Often adults put straightening their teeth as a last priority compared to other health concerns and conditions. Or they prefer to put their money towards straightening their child’s teeth versus their own. Having straight teeth has been shown to […]
When to remove wisdom teeth? Pain in the back of the mouth Experiencing sporadic or persistent pain at the back of your mouth is one of the most common symptoms caused by erupting wisdom teeth. Inflamed gums When your wisdom teeth start to erupt from your gums, it can cause your gums to become swollen […]
How to prevent candy cavities? Candy and cavities can go hand-in-hand. To prevent candy-related cavities, follow these eight tips: Use a small bag while trick-or-treating The less candy that finds its way into your home, the better. Eating less candy is better for your child’s oral health and helps prevent cavities. Set expectations Will there […]
Is The Tooth Fairy Real? Around the World: How Other Cultures Celebrate the Tooth Fairy Burying the Tooth – Kids in Afghanistan bury lost teeth in a mouse hole, while parents in Turkey bury their children’s baby teeth in a place they think will bring their child success. When American kids begin losing their baby teeth they […]
How to prevent receding gums? Gum recession is a common dental issue. Poor oral health can cause gums to pull back and form pockets between the tooth and gum. These gaps then fill with bacteria, which affects the bone and tissue. If untreated, gum recession can lead to severe pain and tooth loss. In addition […]
How to Keep Your Gums Healthy? Our best defense against gum disease is proper dental hygiene. This involves practicing good habits at home and visiting your dentist twice a year. In this article, we will discuss the ways to combat gum disease. Good Brushing Techniques You should brush your teeth twice a day. Brushing is […]